The Illinois Junior Golf Association (IJGA) has partnered with some of Illinois’ private and public golf facilities to offer foursomes or threesomes to the first lucky bidders. The money from the sales will go to support junior golf in Illinois.
What to Know:
- Offers are final and nonrefundable.
- Certain facilities include different amenities (golf cars, etc.) in addition to green fees, so please see the GOLF COURSE RESTRICTIONS portion of the individual offer.
- All offers are different and are uniquely structured for that particular facility, so please be sure to carefully read the fine print of all of the offers.
- At most facilities all other costs, such as food, beverages and caddie fees (if applicable) are the responsibility of the purchaser. These additional fees are not included in the original costs of the offer and you will pay the facility directly for these. See the golf course restrictions section for more details.
- After purchase of a private club group, you will receive an email from an IJGA staff member that will connect you with the facilities host golf professional and send you a gift certificate for this offer. This golf professional will work with you directly to book your tee time. After purchase of a public facility group, a certificate will be mailed to you that needs to be presented at time of play. Please be aware that there may be some tee time restrictions at certain facilities listed in the offer. Some offers must be used by a certain date.
See the links below for the facilities that are available for purchase to the first bidder (This list is subject to expansion)
- Under the ONLINE REGISTRATION you will be able to click register now. If you do not see this register now button, that facility has already been purchased by another person and the waiting list at that facility is full.
- Please be sure to read the entire facility webpage offer for more specifics about the particular offer.
- These groups do not need to be purchased or used by the listed event date. The event dates are listed only for purposes of sorting the golf courses alphabetically.
We wish you well and thank you for your consideration in supporting the Illinois Junior Golf Association! We also thank the facilities for their support of junior golf.