May 11, 2020

IJGA Members,

With the new restrictions set forth by the Governor for golf in May, we are currently waiting on further instruction on how golf will be played in June. Once we are provided that information, another email will be sent out in regards to our tournaments in June and going forward.

If you received an automated tournament reminder email through BlueGolf in regards to the DuPage County Junior Classic, please disregard. We apologize for any confusion this might have caused. We are currently working to reschedule this tournament. This is one of our biggest events of the year and we want to make sure this stays on the tournament schedule for 2020.

As a reminder, please do not cancel yourself out of possible rescheduled events through your Players Account!  The staff will take care of cancelling you out of events if an event is not able to be rescheduled. Please be patient with event reschedules.

If you have an event specific question, please follow the below link to our staff contact info.

Also, please follow the below link for a list of rescheduled or cancelled events.

On behalf of the IJGA staff, thank you for your patience during this time.  We will update you once we hear more from the state.

Matt Wennmaker
Executive Director, IJGA