WOOD DALE, ILL – The 2015 Dupage County Junior Classic came to a close with four deserving champions. With thunderstorms in the forecast, the IJGA lucked out without a drop of rain all weekend. Brendan O’Reilly (2017) of Hinsdale, Ill., took the Boys 15-18 year old division and Kelly Anderson (2015) of Wheaton, Ill., was crowned champion in the Girls 13-18 year old division.
In the younger divisions, Mac Mclear (2019) of Hinsdale, Ill., won the Boys 13-14 division, Matt Kelly (2021) of Tinley Park, Ill., and Caroline Smith (2020) of Inverness, Ill., each one their respective 11-12 year old division.
O’Reilly tapped in on the 18th green on the final day with an impressive eleven shot victory over Jordan Hahn (2015) of Spring Grove, Ill., who came in second with a 1-over-par 141 total. Bennett Cotton (2018) of Winnetka, Ill., Chip Savarie (2018) of Winnetka, Ill. and Will Gunst (2016) of Elmhurst, Ill., all tied for third place with a two day total of 2-over-par.
Anderson played consistent enough on both days to claim a three shot victory over Kate Lillie (2017) of St. Charles, Ill., who fired rounds of 74-75. Louise McCulloch (2016) of Wilmette, Ill., rounded out the top three after recorded rounds of 72-80.
The Dupage Country Junior Classic takes place on two courses, Oak Meadows Golf Club and Maple Meadows Golf Course. The Boys ages 15-18 play at Maple Meadows Golf Course while the rest of the field plays at Oak Meadows Golf Club.