Wondering how much credit you have in your Player’s Club Account? You can check it without having to call the IJGA office by logging into your account online.

There are two places you can find your credit balance once you have logged into your Player’s Club Account. You will also be able to see all of your transactions on your account with these instructions as well.

This should be the first screen you see when you log into your account:

From this screen there are two ways to find your credit balance:

The first way to locate your credit balance and to check your transaction history in your Player’s Club Account. Go over to where the player’s name appears on the right side of the screen and select “Transactions”

This will bring you to this screen where you will find your credit balance above all of the transaction history:

As you can see in the picture, this player has a $533.00 credit balance.

The alternative way to find your credit balance is by clicking on the “Tournaments” tab and selecting “Transactions”

As you can see, this player also has $533.00 of credit in their Player’s Club Account.

If you have questions regarding the credit in your account please contact us by filling out this form.