UPDATED AT 8:00 AM CST ON 10/21/18:
Unfortunately, there is a heavy frost and the low temperature will not allow the maintenance staff to burn it off with the irrigation system.
The current plan is for Round 1 to resume at 10:30 AM. The driving range will open at 9:30 AM and putting green once the frost lifts (hopefully between 9:30-10:00 AM). All players will finish Round 1 from where play was suspended yesterday. The window will be very tight, but there is still a chance that we are able to complete all of Round 2, depending on the pace of play for the remainder of Round 1. The plan as of now is to immediately start Round 2 where you finish Round 1, without coming back into the clubhouse. PLAYERS MUST CHECK IN UPON ARRIVAL at the golf course. At registration, you will receive your Round 1 scorecard and also your Round 2 scorecard. You will officially score both rounds after the completion of Round 2. The boxed lunches will be set up next to the pro shop so you can grab it when you pass by. Or you may ask that a parent call the IJGA staff (using the number on the spectator wristband) to grab a lunch and run it out to you on the golf course.
During the completion of Round 1, if we determine that Round 1 is not going to be completed with enough time to finish Round 2, we will notify each group on the course that they are to head to the clubhouse after the completion of Round 1. At that point, we will repair the field and issue new scorecards and the Boys Division will play the Front 9 (Shotgun start in foursomes) and the Girls Division will play the Back 9 (Shotgun start in threesomes). This will allow for the event to be 27 holes as opposed to 18 holes.
If there is not enough time to complete either of these options, Round 1 will be completed and the event will count as an 18 hole event.
If there will be any further delays, another email will be sent out.
UPDATED AT 2:25 PM CST ON 10/20/18
Again, we want to thank all of the participants and spectators for braving the elements today. Around 1:15 PM, the temperature and windspeeds along with the precipitation made the tournament unplayable and we suspended at that time for the remainder of the day.
We are going to do everything within our power to complete all 36 holes of this event. Groups are currently through 7-9 holes. With that said, we plan on resuming play at 9:30 AM tomorrow, depending on the frost delay. We will get an update from the golf course superintendent early tomorrow morning on the projected length of the frost delay and will send an email update to the field again at that time, whether we are going to have to delay the start or not. Please expect that email update around 7:00 AM.
Round 1 will resume from where it was suspended, and all players will finish Round 1. At that time, based on how much daylight we have remaining, we will determine if all of Round 2 will be able to be completed. If that is the case, all players will continue Round 2 where you finish Round 1 and will continue play with the same group. We will not have time to repair the field after Round 1. If it does not seem likely that we will be able to complete Round 2, the event will likely turn into an 18 hole event. But again, we will know more once we find out how long our frost delay is in the morning.
It is imperative that pace of play be great tomorrow if we have any chance of completing all 36 holes. With anticipated temperatures close to 50 degrees and the winds down considerably, we hope that will translate to quick play.
If you do not intend to show up tomorrow, please email Read Langhenry at rlanghenry@majgt.org so we can adjust the groups accordingly prior to the resumption of play.