IJGA Members,

Based on guidance from our Board of Directors and Allied Golf Associations, we will be postponing events through May 17th. Safety for our members, spectators, staff and host facility staff has been and always will be our number one priority.

Please do not cancel yourself out of the event through your Players Account!  The staff will take care of cancelling you out of events if an event is not able to be rescheduled to ensure you receive the proper credit. Please be patient with event reschedules.  We are working to reschedule as many events as possible, but golf courses are uncertain about when they may be re-opening and they also have lots of events already scheduled.

In the coming weeks, our staff will be working with host facilities to see if there is a possibility of rescheduling our events that fall over these dates.  If you are registered for an IJGA/MAJGT event schedule from May 4th through May 17th, you will receive a separate email over the next few weeks letting you know the status of the event.

We will continue to monitor events that are currently scheduled after May 17th and we will be sending out another update as we get closer to these events.

If you have an event specific question, please follow the below link to our staff contact info.


On behalf of the IJGA staff, thank you for your patience.

Matt Wennmaker
Executive Director, IJGA