LEMONT, Ill.—The Illinois Junior Golf Association is proud to be the recipient of a generous donation made by the Rohwedder family of Mount Prospect, Ill. This donation was made through the American Junior Golf Association’s Leadership Links ‘Birdies for Charity’ program.

The AJGA’s Leadership Links is a program that allows the AJGA to further its mission to help develop young men and women by teaching charitable giving skills and service-oriented practices at an early age, according to the AJGA website. The Birdies for Charity program allows for juniors to raise money through pledges made for birdies recorded in tournament rounds.

Max (16) and Adrienne (13) Rohwedder contributed to this fundraising effort that gave back to the IJGA.

“We are truly thankful to the Rohwedder family and the AJGA’s Leadership Links program,” said IJGA executive director Carrie Williams. “This kind of support helps to sustain and grow not only the IJGA but the game of golf.”

The Illinois Junior Golf Association is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing playing opportunities for its members ages 8-18, conducting educational clinics and events, and serving as a junior golf information clearing house.

For more information about these programs, please click any of the links listed below.


AJGA Leadership Links                    Illinois Junior Golf Association